Helping families in need by the Grace of God!

Women face many issues in life and we want to be able to "spur one another on toward love and good deeds" according to God's plan (Hebrews 10:24). We strive to do that through many aspects of the ministry.
Ladies Round Pen was founded due to concern for the needs of the families in our community.  A group of women decided they wanted to help those in need.  
In September 2009 God put the idea to form a group of ladies from Cross Trails Cowboy Church to do something to help.  And Ladies Round Pen was founded.
We help CISD with Back to School Supplies, Clothe a Child and food boxes at Thanksgiving and Christmas along with Clothe a Kid at WCISD.  
We also hold a food drive starting in October to help fill the food boxes.
Throughout the year we help families with different needs, i.e. food, various needs and clothing.
We meet the 2nd Thursday of each month at 9a.m.